Nick Congleton

Editor, Author, Mad Wizard

Who I Am…

I’m Nick, a university educated freelance editor working with online content and copy as well as the fantasy and horror genres in fiction. I’ve been editing professionally for a few years, and writing articles, blog posts, and web copy even longer.

I’m also an aspiring indie author, myself, hard at work on my debut urban fantasy novel. As an indie, I understand the goals and challenges of indie authors and work with them to make the publishing process as painless and rewarding as possible

I’ve always been drawn to a compelling story, whether that’s a novel or a blog post, and I see editing as an opportunity to work with writers to bring more of those stories into the world. It’s exceptionally rewarding seeing a writer’s vision come to life—the characters and world that they’ve worked so hard to create realized.


Editing Services

I provide a range of editing, writing, and related services to help get your copy, post, story, or novel ready for publication. I will relentlessly hunt down spelling and grammar mistakes and provide you the feedback and corrections that you need to make your piece the best it can be. I also offer stylistic editing and manuscript reviews to give you another set of trained eyes on your work, along with suggestions on how to smooth out any rough parts.

It’s no secret that websites can be intimidating, especially for creative people who’d rather be writing their novel than dealing with clunky technical nonsense. I spent a few years as a web developer, and I can help. If you need a kickass author website that showcases your brand, look no further!

As always, consultations and sample edits are FREE!

The services I provide are…

  • Copyediting
  • Line Editing
  • Manuscript Review
  • Proofreading
  • Copywriting
  • Web Design


Coming Soon…

I’m an aspiring author, unfortunate emphasis on the ‘aspiring’ part. While I have written and published plenty over the years, it’s all been non-fiction content for the web.

I’m currently deep in the process of editing the first novella in my yet-to-be-named urban fantasy series. I can’t say too much about it just yet, but I’m super excited for it, and I can’t wait to share it, once it’s ready. Each addition to the series will be a novella, and I plan to release the first couple of entries in rapid succession. Those entries are scheduled to arrive later in 2020.

To learn more and keep up with the latest updates, connect on social media, and sign up for my newsletter. I promise, more details will be coming soon!


Books coming soon

Send Me an Email

15 + 7 =

Want to get to work editing your latest project?

Maybe it’s time for a new website?

Or, do you just want to connect with a fellow indie author?

In any case, drop me an email, and I’ll get back ASAP!

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